Tuesday, May 30, 2006

One last thing

You can find my personal project blog from the link below


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Oh Christ its 5.30am!

Right, its half 5 in the morning of the final submissions and im just putting the finishing touches to everything. Bet im going to forget something! All in all i think im pretty happy,i got the work done in the end and we can only expect rewards for the hard work we put in. Man, i talk some etihs!

Its drawing near the end now, il continue to update everynow and again if something relevant or interesting happens over the next few weeks, but when the summer starts that "closed for mental breakdown" banner is going back up!

Thanks for an amazing year UWIC, Blogger thank you for the medium for publishing my course journal. and to everyone

Go raibh maith agat
Slán go Foil

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Exhibition Stuff

Wow, spent the whole weekend rolling around the lab on all fours like a raggy dog sticking layers upon layers of floor tape in an attempt to represent my real life network which was represented in a 3D environment back in to real life! Go figure! I think it turned out well except for the fact it will be in some state by the open night of the exhibition from people walking on it!! Should be fun though! Go take a look!

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EPP Round up

EPP was a pretty useful module in my opinion. It certainly gave us an insite into the professional world of entrapanuers and how they worked and casted their name in stones across the UK and even the world. I think the most entertaining session as the movie day where we watched Nathan Barley. From there, the most rewarding was seeing a Nathan Barley character in real life, i.e. Mr Fossie. Well done dude, ur leaving the dream!

As of yet i dnt think im ready for the real world. After Simons lecture on further education and preparing CV's i think im in the mood for a nother year of college ( personally i think im made after the stress levels and regular visits to mental ward of heath hospital due to nervous breakdowns regarding the Personal Project). I think a masters is in store for me. Then maybe a job, unless i can manage to organise some dosh and country hop my way around the globe for a couple of years WHOO HOO!

The Final Session of EPP today was to organise and structure a plan of attack for our amazingly brilliant design show coming up soon. The class has taken the lecturers advice of utilising cluster groups and display our work collectivly on a limited number of computer (sort out the labs reasources guys, it is a disgrace to an Media Design course!). Personally i rather the singular exhibition mode where people have their own space to display their individual work. It tends to end in less stress and fuss. Obviously as a class we should do something collectively, but i think more so as an extra. The individuality of our styles and approaches to our years work varies quite a bit. Also, i dont like the fact that in clusters there is a chance that a punter will not view your work by chosing not to click on it. If there was an individual display and gallery installation for a project then the punter is in clear view of content. It doesnt have to look for it.

Oh well, this is the path we have chosen and the best is to be made of it!

We've all being assigned roles to play and iv jumped on the graphics team. I made a contrabution of logo designs which were dwarfted by jacks more motivated creations of beauty, until the dreaded "GREEN" instant. Stuart, why green? It was beautiful blue and red.

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Friday, May 26, 2006

EPP - Peter Appleton

Peter used to be Stuarts old lecture many years ago (showing your age Stu!). Now he’s a research lecturer at the international centre for digital content. He is also our lovely amazing and fantastic external examiner. Peter had 2 short group sessions with members of the class, just to gather some feedback about the course and other aspects of student life during the year. I think a water cooler and a toaster for the lab was mentioned! After this he presented a brief slide show on some of his years of entrepreneurship and gave us a talk on some further education courses we could pursue at the icdc

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Stressed Out!

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