Sunday, March 26, 2006

EPP -Gavin Johnson

Team leader of the New Media department of BBC Wales. The goal and aim of his department is to bring BBC distribution content onto the web and take full advantage of the broadband infrastructure that the population of the UK are adopting.

Personally I didn’t feel enlightened by Gavin’s presentation. Much of it was talking in about the process of capturing and preparing media for online streaming. Something that myself, Jack and Liz had learned about last year repeatedly, every Wednesday for a whole year!!!

It was nice to see that Gavin is pushing hard for the BBC to invest more and develop the methods asynchronous distribution of BBC content and events.

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Be careful...

The Internet, everyone’s favourite medium. With it comes a lot of trust and responsibility. Especially with Web 2, in particular, blogging! People (well me at least) are turning to blogs as a way to extract thoughts and feeling, opinions and views about daily life in order to rationalise them in way that we can then understand, when we read it back. Its almost, become our “Dear Diary”. Our diaries have always being full of personal stories, memorable thoughts and things we would never talk about to others out of shear embarrassment or fear that the news of “Mary’s secret love for John”, hunts its way through the whispers of society back to John and then becomes the slag of the week. At least with a diary, only you (and your little brother or sister who gets a kick out of nicking it for an afternoon giggle) get to read it. If Ann Frank had being using blogs she would have being caught at lot quicker by the Germans I give you that!

With out question I have secrets, plenty of secrets. I have lived a long life so far where I have sat back and kept a lot of things to myself and I intend to keep them to myself in order to prevent people from getting hurt or over reacting to something simple. Other secrets I plan to keep locked up in a cell, thicker than the walls around Chernobyl, padded with bubble wrap (just for amusement!). I do this with the hope that a person will live on in peace and enjoy their life, maybe come to some conclusions in my favour when the time is right.

Now if I had wrote the above true statement in my diary no one would ever read it. Now that it’s in on the Internet, anyone in my friends list or even not in the list can read it. That’s why I made it vague-ish!!!! If I had being less vague, and more informant about what I’m rambling on about, a whole world of trouble will with out a doubt open up.

I erg people to be sure what they have wrote in their blog, email or comment and to be aware that when you click send/post, you are opening up responsibility for yourself… Be careful, and remember, everyone is watching you….

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Design for Change - Presentation

Nice, ending an assignment with a trip to Hanover and a couple of days at Cebit! Amazing! I only wish the assignment was to be handed up when i got back because the amount of stuff on show at Cebit would be amazing to add in. Alas, i stuck with i what i have!

The presentation is a combination of a slideshow and a number of 3D video clips and screenshots of the final device. In the slideshow, there is elements of my concept, research, developement and conclusions on the product i have designed. There is also the flow chart and scenario storyboards to show off everything else.

My presentation is a little over 30mb so it wnt be available for download from here, if anyone whats a copy leave a comment and il sort something out.

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Todays Careers Show in Cardiff

I got an interesting thought put in my head today by a lovely lady from bournemouth uni. Im no considering doing a masters in "interactive media". On the other hand, id like to dive deeper into 3D animation course and this college has a few of them!

Bournemouth media production courses

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Apple granted U.S. patent for Tablet Mac (with images)

Mac Tablet PC

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Monday, March 06, 2006

EPP -Lynne Norris

Today as part of EPP, a Lawyer who works closely with Simon over at Colchester Avenue Colchester Avenue visited us. She has worked with the University giving lectures on Law and copyright issues since 1991. Previously she had worked in the Law Department of the then Polytechnic of Wales since 1987. If you want to make sure your not doing anything wrong this would be the person to look up.

I’m in two minds about this lecture. This woman had a lot of information to give us. She even emailed out two PDF jam packed with stuff! On the other hand, a lot of what she went through, we covered before during and earlier module with Simon. A number of people in the class gave their own presentations about copyright and copyright associated laws. I suppose it was nice to have it refreshed in our memory.

There was a few very interesting points made during the presentation. I was mostly interested in the concept of “how much of a product do we own”. Apparently, if for example I create an image and copyright it, someone comes along and wants to use that image for himself or herself. How much of that image do they have to change so they can use it without breaching my copyright? It think its about 30% of the image has to be changed (correct me if i m wrong) - Interesting!

Another interesting subject she mentioned was the Employer Employee copyright. If I work for a company and design literally anything, that company can then hold the copyright of it. The company gets to make whatever profits from the product. The only rights I reserve is a credit of recognition

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EPP -Simon Pope

Simon Pope
I am going to start by saying I’m horribly jealous of Simon. His career seems to be something that most of us would only dream of. I mean his C.V. is 6 A4 pages long, with a small font size!! I still can’t believe he was a bus driver though; it just doesn’t fit into the equation!

Simon’s name is recognised across the world as a self proclaimed artist and master of the New Media world. His current project Charade is taking the interest of the UK by storm. With BBC interviews, NESTA awards, and BAFTA’s, this man is indeed a celebrity and an inspiration

During the session Simon gave a few demonstrations of projects he worked on in previous years. One being the webbie winner, WebStalker. This little director application made graphical interpretations of the relationships between URLS. I fell in love with this little app just for its simplicity and began to dissect it to figure how I could engineer it to display local networks using IP addresses

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