Saturday, April 29, 2006

Where do we go from here?

Today Simon graced all of us with possibilities and directions that we could take post graduation. A lot of time was spent on further education and teasing out routes, which were best, suited to what we wanted to do. This section of the session was particularly interesting because I have some mad notion of pursuing a masters course next year. After all the stress of this year you’d think I would never want to do another course again, unless it was in lesbian photography!

We also were graced with holly grail, Simons CV, which I mentioned before spans for 6 pages. This was useful, because a lot of us are still very shy and modest about what to put into a cv. Its funny to think that we can write our praises without feeling like we’re being obnoxious or full of ourselves. What I learned from cv in the past is to just to put down your good points, put down experience that is relevant to the job and sell your soul in hope to get it!

I for one am not ready for the working world. At this point I either want to do my masters or go around the world for a few years. I know very well that I would be making a huge mistake by travelling and then trying to start a career in my mid to late 20’s. I just feel the seeing the world should be done while my legs are whiling to do it.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Back In business

Well after a minor mental breakdown I feel I'm back in business. Had a tutorial with Simon on Monday and I feel a little bit more directed. Now all I have to do is blow up bebo and myspace and I can carry on with my regularly scheduled life and get this mother of a dissertation out of the way. WHOO HOO!!

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Friday, April 07, 2006

EPP - Richard Shotton

A very interesting session. Richard Shotton used to be a second level teacher and had the pleasure of knowing the class menace James Cook. Richard now works as a “social entrepreneur” bring IT and education together. One of the things I enjoyed about Richards work philosophy was to do s brief or a job for the love of it, not for the profits. I think this is a very admirably quality in any entrepreneur.

Richard is one of 4 directors so of a company named “Imagine Education”. 3 of these members, including Richard previous were teachers, which gave them a serious boost in the understanding of implementation computer systems in schools for educational purposes.

I would really like to get intouch with Richard again. The work he and his company do, in the UK and in other parts of the world is similar to that of my dads company. Computers in education. I reckon we could learn a few things from Richards methodologies and ways of thinking.

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EPP - Richard Shotton

A very interesting session. Richard Shotton used to be a second level teacher and had the pleasure of knowing the class menace James Cook. Richard now works as a “social entrepreneur” bring IT and education together. One of the things I enjoyed about Richards work philosophy was to do s brief or a job for the love of it, not for the profits. I think this is a very admirably quality in any entrepreneur.

Richard is one of 4 directors so of a company named “Imagine Education”. 3 of these members, including Richard previous were teachers, which gave them a serious boost in the understanding of implementation computer systems in schools for educational purposes.

I would really like to get intouch with Richard again. The work he and his company do, in the UK and in other parts of the world is similar to that of my dads company. Computers in education. I reckon we could learn a few things from Richards methodologies and ways of thinking.

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